Math & Random Module

Math Module

The math module in Python is a built-in module that provides a set of mathematical operations and functions. It contains a wide range of mathematical functions, constants, and methods for performing various mathematical calculations.

To use the math module, you need to import it into your Python script or interactive session using the import statement.

Here are some of the commonly used features of the math module:

  1. Mathematical Constants: The math module provides constants such as pi, which represents the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.14159), and e, which represents the mathematical constant e (approximately 2.71828).

import math

print(math.pi)  # Output: 3.141592653589793
print(math.e)   # Output: 2.718281828459045
  1. Basic Mathematical Functions: The module includes functions for performing basic mathematical operations like rounding, logarithms, exponentiation, square roots, trigonometric functions, and more.

import math

print(math.sqrt(16))        # Output: 4.0
print(math.log10(1000))     # Output: 3.0
print(math.sin(math.pi/2))  # Output: 1.0
  1. Advanced Mathematical Functions: The math module provides functions for advanced mathematical operations, such as factorials, absolute values, rounding, permutations, combinations, hyperbolic functions, and more.

import math

print(math.factorial(5))       # Output: 120
print(math.fabs(-3.14))        # Output: 3.14
print(math.perm(5, 2))         # Output: 20
print(math.comb(5, 2))         # Output: 10
print(math.sinh(1.5))          # Output: 2.1292794550948173
  1. Numeric Operations: The math module also includes functions for manipulating and working with numeric values, such as getting the floor and ceiling values, converting between radians and degrees, and checking for NaN (not a number) or infinity.

import math

print(math.floor(3.7))    # Output: 3
print(math.ceil(3.2))     # Output: 4
print(math.radians(180))  # Output: 3.141592653589793
print(math.isnan(10))     # Output: False
print(math.isinf(float('inf')))  # Output: True

Random Module

The random module in Python is a built-in module that provides functions for generating random numbers, selecting random elements from sequences, shuffling sequences randomly, and more. It is commonly used in scenarios that require randomness, such as simulations, games, and statistical analysis.

To use the random module, you need to import it into your Python script or interactive session using the import statement.

Here are some commonly used features of the random module:

  1. Generating Random Numbers: The random module provides functions to generate random numbers. The random() function returns a random float between 0 and 1.

import random

random_number = random.random()
print(random_number)  # Output: a random float between 0 and 1
  1. Generating Random Integers: The random module includes functions for generating random integers within a specified range.

The randrange() function returns a random integer between the specified start and end values (inclusive). It also has an optional third argument called step. It determines the intervals between each number in the sequence.

import random

random_integer = random.randrange(1, 10)
print(random_integer)  # Output: a random integer between 1 and 10 (exclusive of 10)
  1. Selecting Random Elements: The random module allows you to select random elements from a sequence using the choice() function. It takes a sequence as an argument and returns a randomly selected element.

import random

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
random_element = random.choice(my_list)
print(random_element)  # Output: a random element from the list
  1. Shuffling a Sequence: The random module provides the shuffle() function to shuffle the elements of a sequence randomly. It modifies the original sequence in place.

import random

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(my_list)  # Output: the original list with elements shuffled randomly
  1. Seeding the Random Number Generator: The random module allows you to set a seed value using the seed() function. Setting a seed value ensures that the sequence of random numbers generated will be the same each time you run the program with the same seed value.

import random

random_number = random.random()
print(random_number)  # Output: a deterministic random number based on the seed

These are some of the commonly used features of the random module in Python. The random module provides a wide range of functions for generating randomness, selecting random elements, shuffling sequences, and more. It is a valuable tool for various applications that require randomness and randomization.

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