Dictionary (Associative Array, map, symbol table) is a data type that stores a collection of (key, value) pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection.
Common Operations:
Adding a pair
Removing a pair
Modify an existing pair
Lookup of a value associated with a particular key
Aside: This concept is an introduction to concepts similar to: hash table and search trees
Defining a Dictionary in Python 3
Dictionaries also use {} like sets; however, their individual item format is very different.
Each item in a dictionary be a pair of key: value.
# Dictionary Examplesammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}# There are 3 items: each with their unique addresses and value# Accessingprint('Sammy dict:', sammy)print('Username:', sammy['username'])print('Online Status:', sammy['online'])print('Follower Count:', sammy['followers'])
Keys are unique address for a dictionary value’s location
Key Properties:
Must be immutable (strings, numbers, tuples, frozenset)
Unique; therefore, two same key values cannot exist in a single dictionary
NEWEST CREATED ITEM with a duplicate KEY superceeds the previous declaration
Values of a dictionary within a key can be any data type.
Updating a Dictionary
We can modify existing values by referencing the key
We can add new values to a dictionary by creating a new key
We can overwrite a value at an existing key by referencing and recreating the value for it
# Update Examplesammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}sammy['followers']+=10# We are adding 10 to the value located at key: 'followers'sammy['verified']=True# We added a new value at a new key: 'verified'sammy['username']='SammySammy'print('Sammy Dict:', sammy)
We can delete a key hence deleting the value connected to the key
We can empty out the entire dictionary
We can delete the dictionary (uncommonly used)
# Deletion Examplesammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}del sammy['followers']# del is a keyword used to help us to execute a removalprint('followers key deleted:', sammy)sammy.clear()# {} is considered an empty dictprint('emptying out a dictionary', sammy)print('--\n\n')del sammyprint('Deleting sammy, should create an error when referenced again', sammy)
followers key deleted: {'username': 'sammy', 'online': True}
emptying out a dictionary {}
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-d3cbe81f2de2> in <module>
16 del sammy
---> 17 print('Deleting sammy, should create an error when referenced again', sammy)
NameError: name 'sammy' is not defined
We can use the in and not in operators to check if a key exists in a dictionary
# Membership Examplesammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}print('Checking for key username:', 'username'in sammy)print('Checking if followers is not a key:', 'followers'notin sammy)
Checking for key username: True
Checking if followers is not a key: False
Built-in Functions’ Interactions w/ Dictionaries
# Built-in Function Interactionssammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}print('Size of sammy dict:', len(sammy))print('Largest Key:', max(sammy))print('Smallest Key:', min(sammy))print('Dict to string:', str(sammy))print('Dict to list:', list(sammy))
Size of sammy dict: 3
Largest Key: username
Smallest Key: followers
Dict to string: {'username': 'sammy', 'online': True, 'followers': 42}
Dict to list: ['username', 'online', 'followers']
Duplicate a Dictionary and Copy Keys Only
# Duplicate a Dictionarysammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}sammy_copy1 = sammy.copy()sammy_copy2 = sammysammy['verified']=Trueprint('sammy_copy1:', sammy_copy1)print('sammy_copy2:', sammy_copy2)print('--')# Duplicate keys onlytammy = tammy.fromkeys(sammy)# Notice that all key's values are None ... aka emptyprint('tammy dict:', tammy)
To help power this awesome data structure, it has good set of methods for us to use.
Let A and B be a dictionary
A.keys() –> Returns a sequence of keys/addresses in A
A.values() –> Returns a sequence of item values in A
A.items() –> Returns a sequence of key,item pairs in A
A.get(address) –> Returns the item value at address
A.update(B) –> Extends A with the dictionary of key,value pairs of B
# Dictionary Method Examplessammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}sammy_hidden ={'pwd':'qwerty','location':'Toronto, Ontario'}# printing all the keys of a dictprint('Sammy Dict Keys:', sammy.keys())# notice how it printssammy_keys =list(sammy.keys())# we can listify the .keys() returnedprint('List of sammy_keys', sammy_keys)print('--')# printing all the values of a dictprint('Sammy Dict Values:', sammy.values())print('Sammy Dict Values as a list:', list(sammy.values()))print('--')# printing key, value pair of a dictprint('Sammy Dict key, value pairs:', sammy.items())print('Sammy Dict key, value pairs as a list:', list(sammy.items()))print('--')# getting a value from a dictprint('Sammy followers value:', sammy.get('followers'))print('Same as:', sammy['followers'])print('--')# updating / extending a dictionarysammy.update(sammy_hidden)print('Sammy extended with its hidden values:', sammy)
Sammy Dict Keys: dict_keys(['username', 'online', 'followers'])
List of sammy_keys ['username', 'online', 'followers']
Sammy Dict Values: dict_values(['sammy', True, 42])
Sammy Dict Values as a list: ['sammy', True, 42]
Sammy Dict key, value pairs: dict_items([('username', 'sammy'), ('online', True), ('followers', 42)])
Sammy Dict key, value pairs as a list: [('username', 'sammy'), ('online', True), ('followers', 42)]
Sammy followers value: 42
Same as: 42
Sammy extended with its hidden values: {'username': 'sammy', 'online': True, 'followers': 42, 'pwd': 'qwerty', 'location': 'Toronto, Ontario'}
Iterating a Dictionary
We will be taking advantage of three iteration methods
iterating the keys
iterating the values
iterating the key, value pairs by unpacking
# Iteration Example 1: Keyssammy ={'username':'sammy','online':True,'followers':42}for k in sammy.keys():print('Current key:', k)print('--\n')# Iteration Example 2: Valuesfor v in sammy.values():print('Current value:', v)print('--\n')# Iteration Example 3: Key, Value Pairfor k, v in sammy.items():print('Current Key:', k)print('Current Value:', v)print()
Current key: username
Current key: online
Current key: followers
Current value: sammy
Current value: True
Current value: 42
Current Key: username
Current Value: sammy
Current Key: online
Current Value: True
Current Key: followers
Current Value: 42
dict() Constrcutor Dictionary Comprehension
We can turn other data types to dictionaries.
Also similar to lists, tuples, and sets, dictionaries also support comprehension.
We must specify where the keys are and where the values.
# dict() Exampleexample_data = [ ('one',3), ('two',3), ('three',5)]data_dict =dict(example_data)print('data_dict:', data_dict)print('--')# Dictionary Comprehension# Goal: Take string numerals and assign them with their integer square# - keys : string numerals# - values: integer squaresexample_data2 = ['1','2','3','4','5']data2_dict ={x :int(x)**2for x in example_data2}print('data2_dict:', data2_dict)