These lists represent ASCII values for different character sets:
lowercase: ASCII values for ‘a’ to ‘z’.
uppercase: ASCII values for ‘A’ to ‘Z’.
digits: ASCII values for ‘0’ to ‘9’.
special: ASCII values for special characters like !, @, #, etc.
Streamlit App
st.header("Password Maker")
st.write("This application will generate a password based on the desired criteria.")
Sets up the header and description for the app.
User Inputs
size = st.number_input(label="Enter the length of the password. (Minimum 8)", min_value=8, step=1, key="pwd_size")
has_upper = st.toggle(label="Contain Uppercase letters?", key="pwd_upper")
has_digit = st.toggle(label="Contain numbers?", key="pwd_digit")
has_special = st.toggle(label="Contain Special Characters?", key="pwd_special")
make_pwd = st.button("Generate Password")
size: Input for the length of the password (minimum 8 characters).
has_upper: Toggle for including uppercase letters.
has_digit: Toggle for including digits.
has_special: Toggle for including special characters.
make_pwd: Button to generate the password.
Password Generation
if make_pwd and size >= 8:
if has_upper:
if has_digit:
if has_special:
while len(password) <= size:
password += chr(random.choice(options))
st.write(f"The generated password is: {password}")
options = lowercase.copy()
Condition: Checks if the button is clicked and the size is at least 8.
Options Update: Adds selected character sets to the options list.
Password Loop: Generates a password by randomly selecting characters from the options list until it reaches the desired length.
Display: Shows the generated password.
Reset: Resets the options list for reuse.
# Password Creator in Streamlit
# External Dependencies
import streamlit as st
# Internal Imports
import random
# Initializations
# ASCII Table Decimal to Characters
lowercase = list(range(97, 123))
uppercase = list(range(65, 91))
digits = list(range(48, 58))
special = list(range(33, 48)) + list(range(58,65)) + list(range(91,97)) + list(range(123,127))
# initialize empty password
password = "" # Empty String
options = lowercase.copy()
# Streamlit App starts here
st.header("Password Maker")
st.write("This application will generate a password based on the desired criteria.")
size = st.number_input(
label="Enter the length of the password. (Minimum 8)",
has_upper = st.toggle(
label="Contain Uppercase letters?",
has_digit = st.toggle(
label="Contain numbers?",
has_special = st.toggle(
label="Contain Special Characters?",
make_pwd = st.button("Generate Password")
if make_pwd and size >= 8:
# This means the the button has been clicked.
# Step 1: Based on the criteria, add in the options
if has_upper:
if has_digit:
if has_special:
# Step 2: Loop until the password variable is long as the given length
while len(password) <= size:
password += chr(random.choice(options))
# Step 3: Display Password
st.write(f"The generated password is: {password}")
# Step 4: Reset options list back to just lowercase for reusability
options = lowercase.copy()