JavaScript Exercise Set 3
Simple Problems
Create a program that adds all the numbers from 1 up to the user inputted numeric value.
Create a program that asks for 10 numbers; average of the inputted numbers.
Bonus: let the user decide when to stop inputting the numbers.
Create a program that makes the user continuously guess a WORD (string) until they get the secret word set by you the programmer correct.
From 1 to 50, if the number is a multiple of three: print“Fizz”
, if the number is a multiple of five: print“Buzz”
, if they are multiples of both: print“FizzBuzz”
Challenging Problems
Vowel Counter
Assume that our vowels in our alphabet are only from this set: a e i o u
Given a string input from the user, determine and output the number vowels within it.
There are two vowels in Hello
and one vowel in World!
Tournament Selection (CCC 2016 J1)
Each player in a tournament plays six games. There are no ties. The tournament director places the players in groups based on the results of games as follows:
if a player wins 5 or 6 games, output
as they are placed in Group 1;if a player wins 3 or 4 games, output
as they are placed in Group 2;if a player wins 1 or 2 games, output
as they are placed in Group 3;if a player does not win any games, they are eliminated from the tournament; output
Write a program to determine which group a player is placed in when given 6 inputs of either W
for a win and L
for a loss.
Up and Down
Write a program that will count up from 1 to the user's inputted number, and count down back towards 1.
Rock Paper Scissors
Create a two player game of Rock Paper Scissors. There will be two inputs: player 1's choice and player 2's choice.
The game should end after a single player has won 5 times. Output who won.
Prime Number Checker
Create a program that determines if the user inputted number of 2 or greater is a prime number.
Palindrome Checker
A palindrome is a word that is the same spelt forwards and backwards.
Some examples of Palindromes:
Create a program that determines if the inputted word is a palindrome.
Twenty Questions
Create a program that plays a “20 Questions” game to guess a positive integer between 1 and 100 that the user has in mind.
The user will be instructed by the program to think of a single positive integer from 1 to 100 inclusively
The program will win if it can guess the number that the user is thinking of in 20 questions or less
The user will win if the program fails to guess the number
The user does not need to input their number that they are thinking
The program will ask the user a series of yes/no questions to narrow down the possible numbers and will attempt to guess the number within 20 questions.
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