
1) Book Data

Create a book class to represent that a book contains

  • title

  • author

  • pages

  • year

  • type (for example: fiction, non-fiction)

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2) Create a Circle Class

  • Attributes:

    • radius

    • diameter

  • Methods:

    • get_radius -OR- write a getter

    • get_diameter -OR- write a getter

    • get circumference

    • get area

    • make it printable

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3) Inventory Items at a Store

An item in a store has:

  • Product Name

  • Product Price

  • Product Description

  • Product Quantity

Based on this list, create an item class for a store product.

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4) Rock Paper Scissors

Create a RPS class that contains attributes and methods to run a game of rock paper and scissors.

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5) Stack

A stack is a data structure that has two main features:

  • Push -> adds an element to the collection

  • Pop -> removes the most recently added element

A common use of stack is the "undo" function. By removing the most recently made edits on a text file, we can go back to a previous state.

Stack's Attribute

  • Storage -> for simplicity, it will be a read only list attribute

  • Length -> tracking the size of the Stack

  • IsEmpty -> True when storage is empty

Stack's Methods

  • Push

  • Pop

  • Peek -> read-only view of what is at the top of the stack

All of stack operations are O(1) with a space complexity of O(n)

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