Create a simple to-do task list that prioritizes task with earlier due dates.
For example:
Our Tasks
- Vacuum, 21 July 2024
- Laundry, 19 July 2024
- Marshall to Vet, 1 August 2024
Priority Order:
1. Laundry, 19 July 2024
2. Vacuum, 21 July 2024
3. Marshall to Vet, 1 August 2024
Program Requirements
Insert tasks
A task should have a string data explaining the task
A task should have a date attached explaining the due date
Remove tasks
Either a task was completed or want to be removed
Task Sorting
Tasks are to be sorted based on date (early ones first)
View the Tasks
Display the tasks in order
Save the Tasks to an external file
The program will generate a file after tasks have been inserted
The program will remember previous/unfinished tasks by reading the previous task file
The program will update with changes and save the changes to the same file
Python Translation
# A to-do task list terminal application
# Internal Imports
import os
from datetime import datetime
# Custom Functions
def task_file_exists():
''' This function returns True if we made tasks.txt before '''
return os.path.isfile("tasks.txt")
# end of task_file_exists()
# Get tasks if tasks.txt has tasks written
def get_tasks(tasks_table):
data = None
with open("tasks.txt", "r") as task_file:
data = task_file.readlines()
header = data[0]
data = data[1:]
# end of reading task_file
# Iterate the data list and insert it to the tasks_table
for line in data:
current_line = line.replace("\n", "")
current_line = current_line.split(", ")
task_name = current_line[0]
task_due = datetime.strptime(current_line[1], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
tasks_table[task_name] = task_due
# end of get_tasks()
# Option 1: Insert a Task
def insert(tasks_table):
""" This function inserts a task in the dictionary argument provided """
task_name = input("Enter the task's name: ")
print("Enter the task due date:")
print(" -- Format: (Day Month Year)")
print(" -- Example: 7 July 2024")
task_due = input("Input Due date: ")
# task_due String variable will be turned into a date object via datetime module
tasks_table[task_name] = datetime.strptime(task_due, "%d %B %Y")
# end of insert()
# Option 2: remove/complete a task
def remove(tasks_table):
""" This function removes a task in the dictionary argument provided """
if not tasks_table:
# There are no tasks!
print("No tasks to be deleted")
return None
print("Which task should be deleted?")
task_list = list(tasks_table.keys())
for i, task in enumerate(task_list):
print(f" -- {i}. {task}")
choice = int(input("Enter the task number to delete: "))
target = task_list[choice]
del tasks_table[target]
# end of remove()
# Option 3: Display unfinished tasks
def view(tasks_table):
""" This function displays the task dictionary table """
if not tasks_table:
print("There are no tasks!")
task_list = list(tasks_table.items())
task_list = sorted(task_list, key=lambda x : x[1])
print("Here are your list of tasks:")
for task, due_date in task_list:
print(f" - {task} | Due: {due_date}")
# end of view()
# Option 4: Write tasks.txt to save current session info
def export(tasks_table):
""" This table creates/recreates task.txt with current session's task data"""
with open("tasks.txt", "w") as task_file:
task_file.write("List of tasks:\n")
for task, due_date in tasks_table.items():
task_file.write(f"{task}, {due_date}\n")
# end of export()
# Initial Setups
options = """
1. Insert a Task
2. Remove/Complete a Task
3. View Unfinished Tasks
4. Export the current list of tasks and end the program.
tasks = {} # Initializing an empty dictionary
# If the tasks.txt file exists, we update tasks dictionary
if task_file_exists():
# End of Setup
# Start the application
while True:
choice = int(input(" - Select one of the options: "))
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
print("The current session's tasks have been written to tasks.txt")
# end of while loop