Function with Input and Assignable Output

To create more complex programs, we can have our functions be dependent on its inputs and give the ability to have the output of its functions be assigned to variables.

Example: 420 checker.

We are going to create a program that checks if our given number is 420.

The function will take a single parameter, we will call it: num

The function will output either true if the given parameter is 420, false otherwise

Our Program:

// Function Definitions
function is_420(num) {
    if (num == 420) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
// End of Function Definitions

// Our Main Section
let result1 = is_420(69);
let result2 = is_420(420);

console.log(`Checking 69: ${result1}`);
console.log(`Checking 420: ${result2}`};


Checking 69: false
Checking 420: true
  • Function Declaration: The function is_420 is declared with one parameter num.

  • Parameter num: This parameter will hold the value passed to the function when it is called. It is a placeholder variable to represent the potential values it can receive

    • As you can see, num was 69 in the first console.log() while being 420 in the second output.

  • return is a keyword in JavaScript that has two important features:

  • return allows us to assign a variable by creating a value from the function

  • return also ALLOWS THE FUNCTION TO ENDS ITS CODE EARLY because the function will exit its code block when a return statement is executed

  • In the example above:

    • if Statement: The function checks if num is equal to 420.

      • Condition num == 420: If num is 420, the function returns true and it is assigned to either variable result1 or result2 when the function is called

      • else Statement: If num is not 420, the function returns false and it is assigned to either variable result1 or result2 when the function is called

Checking 69: false
Checking 420: true
  • The following output above is possible because:

    • result1 stores the result of is_420() with the given parameter of 69

    • result2 stores the result of is_420() with the given parameter of 420

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