While Loops
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Loops are used in programming to repeat the execution of code instead of writing the line code of over and over again.
We have set an outer variable to help us with our while loop.
While is a keyword in java.
It helps us start a looping structure.
Much like an if statement a while loop will execute its code block when its boolean expression is true.
Unlike an if statement, a while loop will continue to execute its code block as long as the boolean expression is true.
This line of code just decrements countdown variable by 1 at every iteration.
Iterations: instructions or code being repeated until a specific end result is achieved.
While Loop Format in Java:
Infinite Loop: An infinite loop is a while loop that never ends because the boolean condition of the loop never turns to false.
By using some sort of a counting variable, you get to control the number of iterations you execute.
We can also take an user input every iteration to check if they want to exit to prevent an infinite loop.