JavaScript Exercise Set 4

Sum of all numbers from 1 to N.

Create a function that adds all the numbers from 1 up to the user inputted numeric value

  • Parameter: a number

  • Returns: a number

FizzBuzz in a Range


From start to end, if the number is a multiple of three: print “Fizz”, if the number is a multiple of five: print “Buzz”, if they are multiples of both: print “FizzBuzz”.

  • 2 Parameters: num1 and num2 ; if num2 <= num1 output -1

  • Returns: Nothing, no return

Vowel Counter

Assume that our vowels in our alphabet are only from this set: a e i o u.

Given a string parameter, return the number vowels within it.

// Sample Input
Hello, World!

// Sample Output

There are two vowels in Hello and one vowel in World!.

  • Parameter: a string

  • Returns: a number

Prime Number Checker

Create a function that determines if the parameter of 2 or greater is a prime number.

  • Parameter: a number

  • Returns: a boolean

Palindrome Checker

A palindrome is a word that is the same spelt forwards and backwards.

Some examples of Palindromes:

  • civic

  • madam

  • level

  • mom

  • racecar

  • tacocat

Create a function that determines if the parameter is a palindrome.

  • Parameter: a string

  • Returns: a boolean

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