Basic Password Generator


Create a Python script that will generate a password with given parameters.

Program Requirements

  1. Requires password length

  2. Requires password criteria

    • Does it contain uppercase characters?

    • Does it include numbers?

    • Does it include special characters?

  3. Generate a password with the given constraints

  4. Output the generated password

We are ignoring input validations for this exercise.

Python Translation

# Basic Password Generator

# module import
import random

# ASCII Table Decimal to Characters
lowercase = list(range(97, 123))
uppercase = list(range(65, 91))
digits = list(range(48, 58))
special = list(range(33, 48)) + list(range(58,65)) + list(range(91,97)) + list(range(123,127))

# initialize empty password
password = "" # Empty String
options = lowercase.copy() # We assume that our passwords will always have at least lowercase characters

# input
# Requirement 1: Set Password Length
size = int(input("Enter the size of the password: "))

# Requirement 2: Set Password Criteria
has_upper = input("Include uppercase letters? (Y/N): ")
has_digit = input("Include numbers? (Y/N): ")
has_special = input("Include special characters? (Y/N): ")

# processing
# Step 1: Add in the respective options
if has_upper in {'Y', 'y'}:

if has_digit in {'Y', 'y'}:

if has_special in {'Y', 'y'}:

# Step 2:
# Until the password variable meets the desired length, randomly add in
# characters from the our list of options
while len(password) < size:
    random_char = chr(random.choice(options))
    password += random_char

# Requirement 3: Output the generated password
print(f"The randomly generated password is: {password}")

Code Explanation

  • Imports: The random module is imported to generate random characters and numbers.

  • Character Sets:

    • lowercase: Contains ASCII values for lowercase letters (97-122).

    • uppercase: Contains ASCII values for uppercase letters (65-90).

    • digits: Contains ASCII values for digits (48-57).

    • special: Contains ASCII values for special characters (33-47, 58-64, 91-96, 123-126).

What is ASCII?

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

ASCII is a character encoding standard that assigns numeric codes to represent characters. Each character, like letters ('A' to 'Z', 'a' to 'z'), digits ('0' to '9'), and special symbols, has a unique integer value in the ASCII table.

By using the chr() function in Python, you can convert these integer values to their corresponding characters, allowing for text representation in digital communications and computing.

  • Initialization:

    • password: Starts as an empty string where the generated password will be stored.

    • options: Initially set to lowercase.copy(), assuming every password will include lowercase letters.

  • User Input:

    • size: User defines the length of the password.

    • has_upper, has_digit, has_special: Users choose whether to include uppercase letters, digits, and special characters, respectively.

  • Processing:

    • Step 1: Based on user input (has_upper, has_digit, has_special), appropriate character sets (uppercase, digits, special) are added to options.

    • Step 2: A while loop continues until password reaches the desired length (size). In each iteration:

      • random.choice(options) picks a random ASCII value from options.

      • chr() converts the ASCII value to its corresponding character.

      • The character is appended to password.

  • Output:

    • Finally, the generated password (password) is displayed to the user.

# Example Input
Enter the size of the password: 8
Include uppercase letters? (Y/N): Y
Include numbers? (Y/N): Y
Include special characters? (Y/N): N

# Example Output
The randomly generated password is: qK5g8sHj

Connected Readings

General Password Tips

Weak Passwords

A weak password is one that is easy to guess or crack, often due to its simplicity, common usage, or predictability. Characteristics of weak passwords include:

  • Short length: Typically less than 8 characters.

  • Common words or sequences: Such as "password", "123456", "qwerty", or "abc123".

  • Personal information: Easily obtainable information like a user’s name, birthdate, or phone number.

  • Lack of variety: Using only letters, or only numbers, without mixing in other character types.

Strong Passwords

A strong password is designed to be difficult to guess or crack, thereby enhancing security. Characteristics of strong passwords include:

  • Long length: Typically 12 characters or more.

  • Complexity: A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (examples: @, #, $, %).

  • Unpredictability: Avoiding common words, phrases, and predictable patterns.

  • Uniqueness: Different passwords for different accounts to prevent a breach on one site from compromising others.

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