Run Time Analysis

Simple Runtime Calculation with Python 3

When we are creating a solution for a problem we can be hindered by the efficiency of our solution.

A more efficient and well optimized code will run and solve the problem much faster than a less efficient code.

There are mathematical proofs / analysis you can do to your code to see the theoretical classification of your solution.

Currently this method is beyond the scope of the course, so we will only learn the classification not the proofs in a later lesson.

Using timeit module

We will use a built-in python module called timeit to help us calculate the runtime of our code.


  • We can compare multiple version of a solution if we have any

  • We can measure performance based on different parameters and inputs

  • This will help us test our code

Example Problem: Most Number of Factors

  • Look at numbers from 1 to N; N being an integer greater than 1.

  • Calculate the number of factors of each N has

  • Output the number that created the largest factor

# Most Number of Factors; Method 1
# Running a timer once

def factor_counter(n):
    """ factor_counter() determines the number of factors N has """
    ctr = 0
    for divisor in range(1,n+1):
        if n % divisor == 0:
            ctr += 1
    return ctr
# end of factor_counter

from timeit import default_timer as timer

start_timer = timer() # Starting the Timer

# Testing Code
upper_limit = 10000
max_count = 0
result = 0

for n in range(1, upper_limit):
    n_ctr = factor_counter(n)
    if n_ctr > max_count:
        result = n
        max_count = n_ctr
# Testing Code Finished

end_timer = timer() # Ending the Timer

# run_time calculation
run_time = end_timer - start_timer

print('Run Time:', run_time)
Run Time: 4.807014966005227
# Most Number of Factors; Method 2
# Average Execution Calculation ... little more messy

testing_code = ''' 
def factor_counter(n):
    """ factor_counter() determines the number of factors N has """
    ctr = 0
    for divisor in range(1,n+1):
        if n % divisor == 0:
            ctr += 1
    return ctr
# end of factor_counter

upper_limit = 10000
max_count = 0
result = 0

for n in range(1,upper_limit):
    n_ctr = factor_counter(n)
    if n_ctr > max_count:
        result = n
        max_count = n_ctr

import timeit as t

# run_time calculation
run_time = t.timeit(testing_code, number=10) / 10

print('Run Time:', run_time)
Run Time: 4.35833643010119

Unit & Refactoring Definitions

Unit: A segment of a program that handles a problem’s specific requirement.

Refactoring: The act of improving the performance and efficiency of the unit (section of a program) without affecting input and the output of the unit.

If a program is simplified to its Input → Processing → Output, then we are trying to optimize the “Processing” section of the program by Refactoring.

Refactoring: Most Number of Factors

  • This code is not the most efficient one, and we will make some optimizations to help it run faster.

    • A product of a number is pair of factors; therefore N = A * B where A and B are factors of N

    • If A is a Factor of N, then we can calculate B by N / A. This helps us a find two factors at once.

    • This way we also need to iterate our for loop only up to the Square Root of N.

      • If N is a perfect square, we can increase our count by 1 to denote that Square Root of N is a factor.

    • Yes, there are even more optimizations that can be done...

def factor_counter(n):
    """ factor_counter() determines the number of factors N has """
    ctr = 0
    if n < 9:
        for divisor in range(1,n+1):
            if n % divisor == 0:
                ctr += 1
        return ctr
        end_point = int(n**0.5) + 1

        for divisor in range(1, end_point):
            if n % divisor == 0 and (n // divisor) != divisor:
                ctr += 2
            elif n % divisor == 0 and (n // divisor) == divisor:
                ctr += 1
    return ctr

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