Iterable Functions w/ For Loops

We will be exploring more functions similar to range() where they also return an iterable sequence that we can iterate through with a for loop

1. sorted() function

The sorted() function will return a sorted list in order from least to greatest from a sortable sequence.

  • For strings, they follow their ASCII table value order.

  • For lists, it will depend on the datatype of each item. It is recommended that all the items have the same data type in the list if you are using sorted.

  • The result of a sorted() is printable as it returns a list

# Using sorted on a string

example = 'Computer Science!'
example_sorted = sorted(example)
print('Sorted Version:', example_sorted)

for item in example_sorted:
    print('    -- Current item:', item)
# Using sorted on a list of numbers but in reverse

numbers = [2,3,5,7,11,13]

for number in sorted(numbers, reverse=True):
    print('Current Number:', number)

# NOTE: if reverse is not a given argument, it will be assumed as False

2. enumerate() function

The enumerate() function will pair the index for each item in the given sequence argument. This allow us to do a special type of for loop that involves variable unpacking.

  • The result of enumerate() is not printable

# Using enumerate() with a list of fruits

fruits = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Kiwi', 'Strawberry']

for i, fruit in enumerate(fruits):
    print('Current index:', i)
    print('Current fruit:', fruit)

    if i != len(fruits) - 1:
# enumerate() on a string

word = 'Hello'

for i, character in enumerate(word):
    print(i, character)

3. reversed() function

The reversed() is a simple function that reverses any given sequence.

  • The result of reversed() is not printable

# Using reversed() with a list of fruits

fruits = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Kiwi', 'Strawberry']

for fruit in reversed(fruits):
    print('Current fruit:', fruit)
# Using reversed() on a string

word = 'Do geese see God?'

for character in reversed(word):

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