Introduction to For Loops

Much like how a while loop will repeat its own block of code, For Loop will also repeat its own block of code.

  • For loops don’t depend on a conditional statement being True.

  • For loops will repeat a finite amount of time dependent on the size/length of the iterating sequence.

# For Loop Format

for __iterating_variable__ in __iterating__sequence__:

    your code here

# end of for loop
  • A for loop is started by using the keyword: for

  • __iterating_variable__ is a label that you create to represent the individual items in the sequence

  • No matter the iterating variable, the code within the for loop will execute

  • The code within the for loop executes repeatedly until the iterating variable runs out of items to represent from the sequence

What is a Sequence?

Sequence is a collection of items or things.

  • The sequence can be ordered(least to greatest) or unordered(shuffled)

  • These sequences will have a beginning and an end; therefore, they are finite

  • We can determine the size of the sequences


  • List of integers: [2,3,5,7,11,13]

  • A string: "Sequence" is a sequence of 8 characters

  • In Python, a data type that is classified as iterable will be able to iterate within a for loop

    • Examples: Lists, Strings, Tuples, Dictionary

Code Example 1

# Using a for loop with a string
# Purpose: Output individual letters of a word.

word = 'Hello!'

for character in word:
    print('Current Character:', character)


  • The label character is used as a label to represent each single item from the iterating sequence for each iteration

  • The variable word is a string that has the characters: Hello!

  • Since character represents individual items, we were able to grab the items in the sequence in order and one-by-one

Code Example 2

# Using a for loop, but ignoring the iterating variable
# Purpose: Repeat a message

word = 'Hello!'

for character in word:


  • In Code Example 2, the iterating variable character is not used within the for loop’s code block

  • The string of Goodbye! is outputted 6 times.

  • There are 6 outputs because variable: word has 6 items in the sequence

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